Bianca Kreusel
"The Kreusels" is an in-progress project that was created by me after going to visit my family in June of 2021. My grandmother gave me all of her past negatives, and after looking through them I became infatuated with the idea of my family and the culture behind everyone. I like touching on the ideas of religion, age, gender, and the rural town culture in my photographs as I document different aspects of my family. This is an in-progress project, but the images that I have so far already touch on all the ideas that I have already listed.
This has been a personal project for me all year, and I hope to continue more as I continue to travel to Michigan. The ideas are subtle and obvious at the same time in my photographs. I stand out in my family. I am a queer woman, I am not religious, and I feel happiest in a big city. Documenting my family with this in mind gives me a perspective on my family that my grandparents, aunts and uncles don't pick up on. I love my family, but I am very different from them and I am the only one who sees the importance of documenting such aspects and ideas.